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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Late Winter Greets Early Spring

Each year, in late February, our small pond beside the house comes alive with movement and sound. The frogs awaken, kick around in the water, and croak all night long. It is their time.
This year, thanks to a warm winter, they awakened in early February to a record high 65 degrees. Down on Reflection Pond, where is the ice? The weather seems more suitable for sitting with a fishing pole on the floating dock.
Mount Rogers, in Virginia, is visible through the bare trees, but those fluffy clouds do not bring snow. Perhaps this is my favorite part of winter, being able to see beyond the hardwoods, the lay of the land.
A walk around the sleepy farm leads to other views only visible in winter along with its musty decaying smells and the crunch of fallen leaves under foot. Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel leaves glisten in the sunlight.
Occasional oddities reveal themselves inviting the imagination to see forest art.
Unintended Wood Sculpture

Mixed Media

Interwoven Fibers
Bark Collage
And a walk through the woods leads to a multitude of chores like clearing and marking an old trail and chopping wood,
I am always amazed to see green plants rise out of the brown earth. It's a miracle that repeats every year but never fails to surprise and delight. I watch for bloom or berry. Do you know these natives?
Forest Lily of the Valley?
Creasy Greens

Striped Wintergreen
As days get longer, the late afternoon seems to set the distant hills aflame. Looks warm.
And the rain that another year might have been snow encourages the grass to grow greener, and leaves an occasional rainbow in the gray-blue sky.
Tempting, but winter is not gone. There will be frosty  mornings yet, and additional overnight freezes, but in between, these satisfying outdoor days are refreshing.

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